Spine #1: V for Vendetta

The 801 Collection will feature a wide collection of great quality movies. These amazing films will range from new to classic, foreign to domestic, action to drama to comedy, and just about anything else you can think of.

Please join us in welcoming Spine #1 to the collection, V for Vendetta.

V for Vendetta was added to the collection due to its amazing plot (provided from rich source material), its strong acting performances, and its deep undertones of freedom and pursuit of what is right.

The movie is in the Top 10 lists of ALL voting members, and has been considered an instant classic by the majority of the voting board.

Brief Synopsis: A shadowy freedom fighter known only as "V" uses terrorist tactics to fight against his totalitarian society. Upon rescuing a girl from the secret police, he also finds his best chance at having an ally.

Release: 2006  |  Runtime: 132 min  |  Rating: R  |  Director: James McTeigue


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Most Recent Additions

  • 1. V for Vendetta
  • 2. The Seventh Seal
  • 3. Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • 4. Inglourious Basterds
  • 5. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  • 6. Fight Club
  • 7. The Matrix
  • 8. Casablanca
  • 9. Tombstone
  • 10. Spartacus

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